Calendua Pacific Beauty Mix OSC Seed
Calendua Pacific Beauty Mix OSC Seed
Pacific Beauty Mixed Calendula Seeds 5080. Open Pollinated. Annual.
Approx. 60 seeds/pkt (100 seeds/gram)
Calendula are actually short-lived tender perennials, hardy to zone 9. In Canada grow as an annual. Blooms vary in size from 2.5 cm to 10 cm in a range of colours, from yellow, to orange, apricot, and cream. Growing conditions affect colour, flower form, size, and bloom longevity. Please Note: Some years flowers are smaller or less vibrant in colour than in other years. Flowers are not consistent between plants. Established plants can have smaller blooms than others. Flowers freely through the summer on well-branched plants that grow up to 45 cm in height. Calendula is also known as the pot marigold – a reference to its ability to grow quite nicely in containers or the fact the flowers were often used in food preparation! Without a doubt one of the most adaptable and easiest to grow flower there is.