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Wildflowers East Coast Blend WCS Seeds LG

Wildflowers East Coast Blend WCS Seeds LG


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A premium blend of wildflowers that are native to eastern coastal North America creates a carpet of beauty that will stand up to rugged weather and terrain. While it will grow perfectly well on the west coast, its components are native to Maritime Canada, New England, and the St. Lawrence. These plants are cold, heat, and drought tolerant, and put on a colourful display throughout the whole summer. The fourteen species in the East Coast Wildflowers Blend will feed local native pollinators like bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and others. Sow these seeds in the late fall or early spring, when the ground is still cold and wet. The mix of annuals and perennials will provide several years of colour.
Recommended rate of application: 141g per 1,000 square feet.

Annuals and Perennials.
Approx 25gm of Seeds

Blue Wild Indigo Baptisia australis
Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa
Eastern Columbine Aquilegia canadensis
Evening Primrose Oenothera Biennis
Gayfeather Liatris spicata
Golden Alexander Zizia aurea
Hairy Beardtongue Penstomen hirsutus
Indian Blanket Gaillardia pulchella
Lance-Leaf Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata
Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
New England Aster Aster novae-angliae
Rigid Goldenrod Solidago rigida
Showy Tick Trefoil Desmodium canadense
Smooth Aster Aster laevis
White Upland Aster Aster ptarmicoides

Regular price $15.99
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